Friday, February 27, 2009

Life forces

     I had my skating class last night, which was fun, except for the fact that I was incredibly off balance throughout the entire lesson and kept tripping over myself and forgetting I was on ice skates.  At the end our instructors taught us the "lunge", which isn't actually on our level's test, but still fun.  Unfortunately, although I can do a lunge, I cannot come up out of it without falling.  Fortunately, though, since you are much closer to the ground doing a lunge than you would be doing many other skating maneuvers, the fall is not that bad.

     My skates are getting a bit scuffed, which saddened me at first, but then I decided that scuffs will only prove my dedication:

(it's kind of hard to see, but there are a couple scuffs toward the front of the boot near the sole)

     Jessica graciously drove me to Meijer this afternoon, where I bought lots and lots of food, including ingredients for a sandwich I had bought and devoured from Espresso Royal and that I had hoped to replicate.  I gave it a try tonight, and since I really liked how colorful my dinner looked, I decided to take a picture:

(Unfortunately, I don't have a food setting on my camera.  Sandwich: Ciabatta bread, sliced tomatoes and onion, goat cheese and pesto (I didn't find any at the store, so I made the poor woman's pesto: pre-grated parmesan cheese and olive oil))

Of course, my beverage of choice played an integral part in my dinner:

     Since I am a hypochondriac, I had my potassium checked because the two medications I am taking can increase potassium when taken together.  It turns out that my potassium is high, but still within the "normal" range (their range for "normal" is 3.5-4.9; my level is 4.7... whatever that means.)

     Tonight, I'm going to watch a movie about an Israeli soldier (?).  I hope to know more about the plot after having watched the movie!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Graduate students are the worst*

Today, I sort of flooded my bathroom.  My disgust of my trash can had hit an all-time high when not only did I realize that it smelled like old rotten cheese and Thai food, but I also discovered bits of crud at the bottom that clung on for dear life even when I hoisted the can over upside down above the dumpster outside my building.  I attempted to scrub it out myself, but the smell remained unbearable, so I propped the trash can in my bathtub, squirted some of my chocolate strawberry shower gel into the can, and let the bath water run.  Propping up the can on the ledge, thus creating a straight path from faucet into can was brilliant, as was adding the chocolatey strawberry scent, for my trash can now smells delicious (ew?).  However, I have a tendency to start a task like this, leave the room, go on the Internet, and forget about said task for just a little too long.  This is why I sometimes end up with burnt baked goods, gray soggy noodles (oh yes, they turn GRAY if you let them boil too long.) and flooded bathrooms.  After wasting 30% of the world's resources in terms of paper towels and napkins, my bathroom is now relatively dry, and actually a lot cleaner!

I ate coconut straight out of the bag today.  I'm not sure if that can be considered "stress eating" or just "weird".

Okay, I just remembered I started boiling a pot of water about 15 minutes ago, and probably should put some spaghetti in it.

*30 Rock

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Laundry Time

I knew it was time to do the laundry when I realized that my only pairs of clean underwear left were my "skinny" pairs (read: one size small from the junior's dept. and one extra small from Vickie's Secret Pink).  The worst kind of muffin top does not originate from the pants but from the panties.  This is no ordinary VPL, for such a  garment causes multiple "warbles", as a girl in my choir once referred to her own.  Luckily, I am wearing tights, so my warbles are not as visible as they would have been sans collant.  I hope that if I skate fast enough, no one will notice.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Workout Weekend 2009

     My weekend actually isn't as impressive as the title may try to convince you.  Actually, in my case, it reminds me of elderly women doing aerobics in green swishy eighties workout clothing.  I am, however, participating in various forms of calorie-burning activities, vis:

     Last night, I went dancing at Brother's with some friends from the French department after going to Esquire.  I had had no plan of going dancing that evening when I woke up at 6am Friday morning, but it turned out that I had a dance in my heart and I had fun.  I even had an impromptu dance-off (I think that's what it was-we bowed and had honor at the end of it) with a rando, and some taaall as a tree trunk bro and his friend came up behind me while I was dancing.  I obliged, because they didn't seem like creepasses and we were all having a good time, but it was a bit awkward because I had never danced with anyone that tall before!  All in all though, Brother's is a very friendly, social bar and I feel pretty comfortable with the people that go there in general.  The French girls certainly feel comfortable,  and were working both floors (upstairs and downstairs) of the establishment.  They're fun.

     Today's workout started this afternoon when I went to Kick 'n Core.  I learned how blind I am, for, as I was get ready to leave for the class, I realized I only had time either to put on my contacts or my makeup.  Being as self-conscious as I am about my acne and needing to cover it up at least minimally before I leave my apartment, I went with some dabs of foundation and powder.  Luckily, although I couldn't see exactly how the teacher was moving, we did "#34" today, with which I am familiar enough that I could follow the shapes I saw and the cues she shouted out to us.
     Throughout the class session, instructor Lesa kept insisting that she had a "treat" for us.  Cookies?  Cupcakes?  Brownies? Those Rice Crispie Treats with the sprinkles in them??  NO!  TWO EXTRA TURBOS AFTER we had done the slow down (but before the cool down/mat) section!  It was actually fun, though, since it was one of those group solidarity running toward the front of the room and jumping jacking (?) all the way back numbers.
     Then I went home, ate lunch (including a cookie from Subway....  Did anyone else forget how good those cookies are?!), and watched last night's episode of "Dollhouse", which was good, but highly creepy.  I'm left anticipating next week's episode, and I hope this show continues to keep me interested (even though Eliza Dushku was basically playing "Faith-before-she-went-evil" all over again in this episode).

     Following that, I went to the Ice Arena briefly, since I arrived there shortly before the end of today's Public Skate session.  Consequently, the ice was practically snow, and, perhaps not so consequently, I fell on my knees once.  I think I tripped on my toe-pick as I was doing a forward crossover in order to turn.  Although I thought I was getting up fairly quickly, a skate guard whizzed over to make sure I was all right.  "I'm fine, thank you!"  I giggled in a good-natured manner, although my pride was hurt and one of my knees is still in pain.  I think I will get there a bit earlier tomorrow!
     Now, I'm about to settle down to a past episode of "30 Rock" and then finally get some schoolwork done for today.  Ciao!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The week is almost over!

It is almost the end of the week, which means it's time for a recap of my narcissistic photobooth photo shoot.  First, I decided to make scary faces using the comic book effect.  This one is my favorite:

     Then I tried the mirror option, which got creepy quickly.  I had so much fun pretending that I had a twin that I actually started believing she was real!  How cool, an identical twin with whom to cause mischief and confusion!  We're such pranksters!

     We play games:

... And tell each other secrets:

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Today I worked on my arms...

... by making puppy chow, hey-o!  Hey, all that stirring of chocolate and peanut butter and shaking of the nearly finished product in order to achieve full powdered sugary encrusted goodness takes it out of ya!

The finished product:

okay, it looks like any other red bowl filled with the puppy chow I have not yet eaten, but I figured I needed to share a visual.

Now take a look at this puppy:

got your tickets??!

owie ow ow ow my arm hurts from trying to flex!

Thursday night in review

     It's Sunday, and I don't have many interesting stories to relate, but I would like to take this time to review "my shows" (Spoilers follow):

     I am so happy with the turns "The Office" has taken lately this season.  The show has evolved so much since the first two (or three) seasons, and at the beginning of season 5, the show seemed weaker and lacking in usual elements of the show.  For one thing, Michael isn't in trouble with Corporate every 5 minutes as he seemed to be in past seasons, and we don't even know who has Jan/Ryan's former job now.  Secondly, Jim's prankster days seem practically over (except for when he taped wire near Dwight's desk that leads Dwight to climb the telephone pole outside, which wasn't really that funny because (a) it wasn't very original, (b) Dwight and Jim are forced to "team up" more this season and aren't as reluctant about it as would have been in the past (e.g. "Customer Service" and subsequent episodes when Dwight and Jim have to head the Party Planning Committee) and (c) it had been so long since Jim had done anything like that to Dwight that it seems out of character for him now.) now that he doesn't have to try to impress Pam anymore.  The "Is Hilary Swank Hot or Not" debate that took place while Michael and Dwight were checking out the competition at Prince Family Paper was just a lame, uninspired repetition of season 3's "Office Olympics".  I did like Michael's reluctance at turning over the Family's client information, although he went through with it, while Dwight showed no reluctance whatsoever, completely in character.  I didn't laugh out loud much at all during "Prince Family Paper" however, nor had I during, "The Duel". 
     Another problem I'd been having with the show is all the loose ends that seemed to have been dropped throughout this season, like Jan and her baby, whom we haven't seen since "Baby Shower",  and Holly, who left in "Employee Transfer" and hasn't had contact with Michael since.  Pam just dropped out of art school and isn't dealing with the fact that she's completely abandoned her dream.  Meredith's addiction has been made more public than ever before, and yet, although Michael said he would get her to "rock bottom" (citing, "I did it with Jan", which was hilarious) so she would see she that she needs help, but he hasn't made any progress in this endeavor, nor has he even mentioned it since "Moroccan Christmas".  When Kelly dumped Daryl for Ryan via a text Ryan had composed for Kelly, we just saw Daryl walk out to his truck, emotionless.  Since then, we've seen Daryl in the background (e.g. at Michael's "Roast"), and that's it; we don't know what he feels about the break-up, nor do we see what is going on with Ryan and Kelly as a couple now (although, we can assume, it's the same as usual).
     I loved "Lecture Circuit" parts 1 and 2, however, and I look forward to next week's episode.  Michael was his usual offensive but mostly well-meaning self and got called out by Karen on it, Karen and Pam got "closure", something I'd been hoping for in general on the show, with all these loose ends, and Michael is reintroducing Holly as "the love of his life", and it seems he is going to  pursue her further.  I liked Jim and Dwight's efforts as Party Planning Committee heads and their bickering throughout, as well as Kelly's reaction to their gift of an hour of nap-time ("I'm too excited to sleep!"  LOL).

     As for 30 Rock, I love Jack in a love story, and find these storylines much more interesting than those during which he is grasping at straws trying to realize his ambition to be CEO (which was interesting in the first season, but got old during the second, in my opinion).  I love that he seems to have found true love with his mother's nurse!  They seem like a perfect couple!  As for Liz's love life, although she is following the same pattern with Dr. Baird as she had with Floyd (she got Floyd by stalking him into an AA meeting and pretended to be an alcoholic in order to find out his deepest secrets, and then, when he found out that she'd been dishonest with him, they eventually decided to "get everything out in the open" before beginning to date; with Dr. Baird, she opened his mail and found out his interests and hobbies, and dropped hints that she was interested in the same things.  He found out about her dishonesty, and they decided to get everything out in the open before their second date.) However, with Dr. Baird, he seems more "into" the relationship than Floyd had, and he was the one to propose the "getting everything out in the open" and to start over with a clean slate, as he was the one who approached Liz with her opened mail, and proceeded to share his entire life with her on their second date on Valentine's Day.
     I also liked the side plot with Tracy, Kenneth and the blind girl, which seemed to be more reminiscent of the past side plots I've loved and which had been lacking lately.  Where is Jenna, though?  She hasn't been very present in the past few episodes.  I sort of wonder if the actress is working on some other project or has a kid or something, but I don't actually care enough to look it up!
     This brings up the fact that "30 Rock" has become a lot more about Jack and Liz than it has about "TGS", Liz's dealings with her actors and writers, and how the show runs in general.  I don't mind this, as often find the Jack and Liz storylines more interesting than the wacky plotlines that take place on the set, but it seems that the whole overarching plot of the show is being ignored.

     I also watched the pilot episode of "Dollhouse",  Joss Whedon's new show.  I don't have much to say about the show yet, as there has only been one episode and I wasn't entirely sure of what was going on during the show.  So I'll just focus on a few reactions:  
(1) I like how closely the interior of the Dollhouse resembles that of Wolfram and Hart from "Angel".  It would be kinda cool and kinda lame if it turns out that this show really is secretly a crossover from "Angel".
(2)  I don't see how this show is going to last more than a season without changing the entire premise of the show.  We saw in the first episode that one of Echo's personae had a flash of a memory from when she was in her "blank slate" state and saw a girl being tortured in the Dollhouse.  I'm guessing she is going to see/discover more and more disturbing and revealing experiments inside the Dollhouse in her blank state and remember more and more while she is programed as different people.  Eventually, she'll realize what is going on and she'll fight back, with the help of the man she met at the beginning of the pilot (before she was wiped?), who's been searching for her.
     I look forward to next week, though, and to the rest of the season.  I think this show has potential, and I'm curious to see what will happen.

LOL I'm watching "Buffy" and Amy the witch just said, "Potestas" (Latin meaning "Power") to Willow, thus giving her crazy magical powers!  Yeah, Latin 101 material in action!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

These are the times

I've missed a couple days posting, the first time, because I forgot to post, and the second, because I kept falling asleep and having weird dreams in which, for example, a serial killer would shoot children who may or may not be demon spawn in the head and then time travel a week into the future and leave them on public transportation.

In order to sum up the past few days, let's talk about moments.

Tuesday was fairly uneventful, and the only really striking moment was when I saw a former teacher on the street and he turned his entire body while walking and talking on his cell phone so as to avoid acknowledging me.

I knew Wednesday was going to be a good day when I was able to remove an eyelash from my eyeball WITHOUT removing or even disturbing my contact lens on said eye.

That same day, I used the subjunctive in my Italian class, and my teacher remarked, "Oooh, the subjunctive!"  My feelings of this reaction are mixed.  I was (a) proud of myself for having correctly used the mode without thinking about it (although it's a phrase I use often) and because the teacher pointed it out (b) embarrassed at having been called out for using proper grammar because it makes me look overzealous (c) frustrated, because all I had intended was to answer the question she had asked me grammatically, and in order to say what I truly wanted to say, I needed the subjunctive!  Of course I made grievous pronunciation errors, anyway.

There was the moment this morning, on my way home from Italian class, when I heard a guy whistling the first few notes of, "Get Back" by The Beatles.  The first thought that came to my mind when I realized that that was what he was whistling was, "Hey, that's me.  That's who I really am."  It reminded me of when I was more of an individualist (and, yes, yet I listened to The Beatles) angsty teenager brimming with ideas and creativity.  Now?  Not so much.  The song was doubly significant, actually, because of its lyrics, "Get back to where you once belonged."  I started wondering, "Where do I belong?"  I still don't fully have the answer, but if I've strayed from that place, I'm going to have to find the answer, obviously, in order to get back there.  

I thought my classmates were annoyed with me today, but it turns out that my comments had reminded them of Derrida, so I had really only annoyed them by the transitive property.  Sadly, this is not the first time my ramblings have been likened to those of that dude (with whose works I am not even familiar.).
My professor did, however, cause me to burst into near-hysterical laugher (I suppressed myself) when he said that they didn't have paternity DNA tests in the middle ages.

I just had a moment.  It involved me realizing I only have a quarter of a can left of Diet Coke.  This is how stressed I am, people!  I wasn't even aware of such a gross deficit!  In addition, this is out of the 12 pack I bought Sunday evening, and I don't even think I started the pack that day.

Monday, February 9, 2009

It finally happened....

I fell down while ice skating today.  This hasn't happened in years, but I'm taking it to mean that I'm learning something.  Let me relate the events that led up to this incident:  I'd been skating around normally during today's public skating session, when I passed this older gentleman with an obvious figure skater physique with Russian-looking facial bone structure consulting a man and his son who didn't know much about skating, insisting that, "You learn from doing!"  Now, of course this statement is fairly obvious and the very thought has occurred to me that if I want to get better at skating, I have to practice the moves that are giving me difficulty or that I am not performing as smoothly as I would like.  However, I'd been self-conscious skating alone and seeing people practice their jumps and spins while I don't even know how to do the bunny hop successfully.  
     Nevertheless, I started off slowly by practicing my forward crossovers every once in a while as I skated around the rink, and then occasionally took corners of the ice (people do this during the lunchtime skating sessions because there aren't as many people at the rink then as there are on weekend days.) to practice my t-stops.  I can do these successfully most of the time, but only when I am looking down at my feet; for some reason I need to be looking down to make sure my back foot is turned out enough.  I know that I should just pay attention to (a) feeling my hip being adequately turned out and (b) assuring that my back blade hits the ice properly, but, at this point, I haven't mastered this stop without looking down.  This is how I fell.  After several points of accidentally sticking my toepick in the ice and successfully renavigating myself, I finally fell on my knee.  I just realized I could have put the Hello Kitty icepack my mom bought for me on it!  Shoot!

In other news, I just went to the music library and picked up 8 books on the baroque period, which is something I hope to study for my project for my course on French Culture until 1789.  We'll see how that works.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Who knew Wal-mart sells food?!

Well, I certainly didn't, since I don't frequent it often.  I did buy some food there this evening, however, since Jessica and her roommate were going to go there and I needed groceries.  Most of their produce section is kind of questionable, so the only fresh fruit I bought was a bunch of Chiquita bananas.  I just made some apple dip so I could add more variety while going through my sack 'o apples.  I also bought ingredients for granola and cornbread (I'm going to try to make the latter with applesauce instead of eggs).  How domesticated of me.

I went ice skating this afternoon and followed this by a trip to Espresso Royale, where I bought a peanut butter brownie and a bottle of apple juice--Is there anything better after a trip to the ice arena?!--and ran into Dan B. pouring over some Balzac.

I am loving this weather, and it makes me feel all optimistic in general.

I'm also trying to walk with "my head held high" literally these days, as I normally tend to slouch and look at the ground, thus avoiding the frightening prospect of Eyecontact With A Stranger.  Speaking of characteristic walking postures, I randomly came across a genealogy page on my great-grandfather recently which included the following story:  

He walked to Dayton and started in a general direction toward his uncle's farm.  He was plodding along the dirt road when he met a road wagon, upon the seat of which a man was sitting.  The man shouted:  "Whoa!  Are you a Mayne?  You walk like a Mayne."  

Although my parents claim they don't quite understand what this means, I busted out laughing in total understanding.  Apparently, like myself, my great-grandfather was a walker, and walked great distances for the fun of it.  All these years, I have been consciously taking after my maternal grandmother in my tendency to walk long distances, but I had no idea that I had an ancestor on the other side of my family who had similar such habits.  It turns out my great-grandfather was pretty hardcore:

Columbus Sunday Dispatch, Sunday, April 7, 1935 p. 1 with photo.  Westerville Minister Walks 13 Miles in 'Record Time'"--Reverend Mayne Firmly Refuses Offers of Obliging Motorists.  By Hugh Fullerton The Rev. Joseph Hanson Mayne, Saturday morning established a new all-time, All-American record for retired ministers, 86 years old and upward, by walking 13 miles from Westerville to the Dispatch office, in the remarkable time of four hours and 30 minutes.  Dr. Mayne set out to establish the record for which Dr. George Scott, professor emeritus of Otterbein college, essayed to make at the same age.  Dr. Scott failed in his attempt because before he reached Alum creek a large and ferocious dog ripped the seat from his pants and stopped the adventure.  The Rev. Mr. Mayne escaped such a fate, and by firmly refusing the offers of a dozen or more motorists who mistook him for a hitch-hiker, reached his destination and delivered this account to the city editor of the Dispatch without mishap.


Saturday, February 7, 2009

This morning, I woke up at about 9 am and realized I had gotten sick once again over night.  I ate breakfast and still felt like crap, so I shut off my alarms that were originally intended to wake me in time to get ready for the noon kickboxing class, and fell back asleep.  The next time I awoke, it was 11:35 am.  Just enough time to get ready for kick 'n' core and get over to CRCE.  It must be a sign, I thought!  However, I wasn't quite sure my health was up to uppercutcrossjabjenga!speedskateroundhouse, so I stayed in bed another 5 minutes before deciding that my thighs felt too jiggly puffy for me to bear and began my prep work (read: change of shirt, contacts and foundation powder).  Unfortunately, one of my contacts ended up behind my eye and I had to spend precious minutes sitting hunched on my bed forcing myself to cry until I finally got it out and decided there was not enough time to reconcile with the fiesty lens.  I walked over to CRCE vision impaired and ended up being too late for the class.  "We're full," one of the four girls outside the door in flawless make-up and topiary-ed eyebrows informed me.  I wanted her inflection to be more Mean Girls-esque so that I could hate her, but there was no malice in her tone, so I sighed, "Oh wonderful" and trudged up to the last remaining elliptical machine to plow on for 20 minutes, and then left.

I saw "Bride Wars" with Mica and Dan, which was cool.  It was pretty typical/predictable, but it was nice and entertaining and held my interest.  Afterwards, we had milkshakes at Steak n Shake, and I think a girl waiting to be seated as we were paying said something flattering about Dan's butt, and later heard the word, "voluptuous" but she could have been referring to the larger white dude with the bubble butt who was paying next to Dan.

My feet have gotten so wide!  I had noticed this before, but since I got fitted for WIDE ice skates and the salesman mentioned that wearing more comfortable shoes (e.g. my Uggs) allow one's feet to expand....  I think I'm losing my arches as well :(  Luckily, the weather has warmed up and I hope I'll be able to switch off between supportive sneakers and binding stilettos soon ;)

Friday, February 6, 2009

Slush, Sloth and Stamos

     My day started out productive (I taught, then filled out a quiz evaluation and turned in the final copy of a quiz I'd written and made transparencies for next week, then came home and wrote a letter of recommendation.), then sloped down into sloth territory when I started watching "Buffy" and "Frasier" episodes in my room while snacking the afternoon away (I'm being relatively healthy, though, e.g. carrots and fat-free veggie dip and baked chips!).  
     During my period of slovenliness, a building maintenance worker came by to change my air filter, while I stood awkwardly in the kitchen clipping apart those plastic rings that hold pop cans together.  Our "conversation" was one of those social/asocial moments when you talk to someone who is performing a service for you, and you don't know much about his field, but he feels he has to talk to you as if you do (guys are good at this and are generally more willing to play along).  So, the repair man showed me my lint-laden air filter, declaring that it sure needed replacing, and I laughed agreeably and continued standing about awkwardly.  At some point he informed me that it was "too nice a day" to be cooped up inside, and, consequently, I felt like more than a shut-in than usual.  If your repairman thinks you're a shut-in, you have a problem.
     I did go out eventually with some friends, and had some pretty awesome thai food followed by a couple of drops of alcohol that led to my general insanity unleashing itself on (un?  no, probably not)suspecting victims.  I remember quite vividly gesturing wildly in attempt to explain the embodiment of hunkiness and sex appeal that is John Stamos (I ushered for the Beach Boys last summer, and Stamos played with the band.  I have no words by the way I was affected by that man's presence on stage!).
     There is slush and there are puddles all over the ground here!  Great, the snow is melting, it's getting warmer, but (a) I was wearing a huge puffy coat and boots and was still shaking in the cold, and (b) no matter how dirty/salt-encrusted my Uggs already were, I hate getting them even more mussed up by virtually unavoidable mud puddles. (c) I am no longer weirded out by the fact that I own Uggs, but I sometimes wonder if other people judge me for my contribution to the Ugg-wearing population (d) Maybe the judgers will see my salt-encrusted take on the Ugg fashion realize how "tragically hip" and "edgy" I am.  (e) I don't think many people care--these boots have become so widespread that they're pretty much the Mead five-star of winter footwear.  (f) I don't really care anyway.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

American past-times #9

I started my skating class today!  It was wonderful.  I love being on the ice, even though I don't know how to do much on it!  One of my teachers is actually a girl I know from my church back home!  I had already learned the moves we practiced today, but, as I haven't taken a lesson in four and a half years-ish, it's really great to relearn the stuff.

I don't want to grade, I don't want to grade, I don't want to grade.  But I promised to return quizzes tomorrow.

Practical note:  Today I learned not to wear a thong and thin pants on a cold (22º feels like 10º) winter's night.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

First post ever

Last May, my undergraduate (okay, junior/senior year, really) bff Special K and I decided that the "thing to do" as graduating seniors was to open gmail accounts with "professional-looking" email addresses (e.g.  "firstname.(middlename)"), as opposed to the juvenile, sometimes emo (in my case, definitely emo) ones we had come up with in junior high or high school.  Check.  Special K and I reunited this weekend for a showing of Slumdog Millionaire, which I am obliged to say was amazing ((a) because it was, and (b) because, well, that's what the critics and everyone and his/her/its mother/father/parental guardian is saying).  Before and during the previews for this phenomenal film, two highly important questions were posed:

(1) WHAT is with the VOMIT in the movies, people?!  It was absolutely disgusting and gratuitous in Infinite Playlist (okay, much like the rest of the film), and I didn't want to see it, hear it, or smell it (I have somewhat cross-lateral senses... probably.) in the preview for Adventureland or for whatever that other movie is that contains a scene in which a girl vomits in her friend's/sister's/client's/parents' (I truly had no idea what was going on in the trailer, and my ignorance of its plot was only bested by my lack of caring thereof.) extremely unkempt apartment.

(2) Why don't I start a blog?  After all, it's "the thing to do" now that we have our grown-up gmail accounts, we're starting new lives as adult "professionals" (although, in my case, I'm really not sure how I'm classified....), and I have truly random thoughts that I am unlikely to jot down in the copious gobs of empty journals that rest on my shelves or to share them with others.

So here's my blog.