On my way home, I heard drums coming from the amphitheater of the Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, and decided to attend some of the free concerts offered there for the second day of the Boneyard Arts Festival. The local groups that were playing while I was there were the Mande Drumming Ensemble, the Didjeridu Ensemble, Balinese Small Ensembles, and the Adzudi Drum Club. The music was very entrancing and although I don't normally listen to "world music", I was in the right mood for it, and it was exactly what I needed at that time.
Later that evening, I went to see "Observe and Protect" with Chris, Jessica, Sean and Dan B.. The movie was pretty good; I can see how one could be disturbed by it, although it is billed as a comedy. I definitely recognize that it is scary to think that there are people in the world who think the way that some of the characters in the movie seemed to think, but I was detached enough from exposure to those kinds of mentalities at the time that I saw the film that it wasn't an uncomfortable experience for me. I thought it was rather well-done and entertaining. Thought-provoking, even ;)
Of course, we went to Steak 'n Shake afterwards. During dinner, Jessica revealed that she had been caught by ebay for "shilling"; her boyfriend had placed false bids on her items in order to make the price/demand higher, and they eventually got caught for it. I had heard this story before, but she had not previously told me, to my recollection, that (1) she had to go to the ebay equivalent of online traffic school after her incident was reported (2) the particular items she had been selling were 3D puzzles, much to the delight of everyone at the table.
Jessica and Sean ended up crying from laughter, and consoled one another and a tearful embrace:
Chorus: What kind of 3D puzzles did you sell?
Jessica: I had a lot of castles.... I didn't sell Cinderella's castle, though.
Sean: Oh, you wanted to keep it?
Jessica: No, no one wanted it.
Sean *dies of laughter*
Today I inadvertently went to the crafts fair in the Union, and ended up buying a cool shirt from a friendly and charismatic (chef charismatique?!) local t-shirt designer.
On my way home, I saw this cool design (I think it's spray painted on the ground) on the Medical Sciences walkway:
This is the stuff of legends, Liz. One day, it will be inaccurately documented in a book of historiography and force-fed to a bunch of poor graduate students. Congratulations on your marked contributed to "HCF Vol. XX"!