-I feel good about myself for posting grades for my students' assignments and participation grades per week on Compass, as well as providing a link to a map of the building where they will have their final written exam, a link to the conflict request form, and worksheets that they may have missed due to absences, all on Compass.
-I don't feel better about myself for eating 5 Snackwells cookies instead of 5 Double Stuf [sic] Oreos. I bought one package of each at Walgreen's today. I had been planning on avoiding purchasing Oreos all together, but as I had been thinking of them before having gone to Walgreen's, and they ended up being prominently displayed in the store when I got there, I decided it was fate and bought them anyway.
-I feel somewhat good about myself for adding some information to my powerpoint slides for my Tuesday presentation on anglicisms in French print advertising.
-I feel horrible about myself for not working AT ALL on this "study" I am supposed to be working on for the rest of this project. It doesn't even seem like a "study" at all, and I have barely any motivation to get working on it.
-I am working on watching "Buffy" from start to finish, completely in order. Today, I finished season 1.
No worries, I definitely ate three homemade Tagalongs today, and they were ENORMOUS. I blame stress and the 40+ pages we have to crank out in the next two weeks.