Saturday, February 21, 2009

Workout Weekend 2009

     My weekend actually isn't as impressive as the title may try to convince you.  Actually, in my case, it reminds me of elderly women doing aerobics in green swishy eighties workout clothing.  I am, however, participating in various forms of calorie-burning activities, vis:

     Last night, I went dancing at Brother's with some friends from the French department after going to Esquire.  I had had no plan of going dancing that evening when I woke up at 6am Friday morning, but it turned out that I had a dance in my heart and I had fun.  I even had an impromptu dance-off (I think that's what it was-we bowed and had honor at the end of it) with a rando, and some taaall as a tree trunk bro and his friend came up behind me while I was dancing.  I obliged, because they didn't seem like creepasses and we were all having a good time, but it was a bit awkward because I had never danced with anyone that tall before!  All in all though, Brother's is a very friendly, social bar and I feel pretty comfortable with the people that go there in general.  The French girls certainly feel comfortable,  and were working both floors (upstairs and downstairs) of the establishment.  They're fun.

     Today's workout started this afternoon when I went to Kick 'n Core.  I learned how blind I am, for, as I was get ready to leave for the class, I realized I only had time either to put on my contacts or my makeup.  Being as self-conscious as I am about my acne and needing to cover it up at least minimally before I leave my apartment, I went with some dabs of foundation and powder.  Luckily, although I couldn't see exactly how the teacher was moving, we did "#34" today, with which I am familiar enough that I could follow the shapes I saw and the cues she shouted out to us.
     Throughout the class session, instructor Lesa kept insisting that she had a "treat" for us.  Cookies?  Cupcakes?  Brownies? Those Rice Crispie Treats with the sprinkles in them??  NO!  TWO EXTRA TURBOS AFTER we had done the slow down (but before the cool down/mat) section!  It was actually fun, though, since it was one of those group solidarity running toward the front of the room and jumping jacking (?) all the way back numbers.
     Then I went home, ate lunch (including a cookie from Subway....  Did anyone else forget how good those cookies are?!), and watched last night's episode of "Dollhouse", which was good, but highly creepy.  I'm left anticipating next week's episode, and I hope this show continues to keep me interested (even though Eliza Dushku was basically playing "Faith-before-she-went-evil" all over again in this episode).

     Following that, I went to the Ice Arena briefly, since I arrived there shortly before the end of today's Public Skate session.  Consequently, the ice was practically snow, and, perhaps not so consequently, I fell on my knees once.  I think I tripped on my toe-pick as I was doing a forward crossover in order to turn.  Although I thought I was getting up fairly quickly, a skate guard whizzed over to make sure I was all right.  "I'm fine, thank you!"  I giggled in a good-natured manner, although my pride was hurt and one of my knees is still in pain.  I think I will get there a bit earlier tomorrow!
     Now, I'm about to settle down to a past episode of "30 Rock" and then finally get some schoolwork done for today.  Ciao!


  1. Whoa, you were a work-out maniac today. By contrast, I ate Steak N Shake.
